The Gathering of Quilters Guild Bylaws
(Revised and Adopted May 16, 2019)
Click on the icon to download a PDF copy of the bylaws.
The name of the organization shall be “The Gathering of Quilters Guild”.
The purposes of this organization are:
1. To promote the development and art of quilting.
2. To educate interested persons in all aspects of quilting.
ARTICLE III Membership
Section 1. Membership shall be by submission of name, address, and payment of required dues.
Section 2. Membership dues shall be set by the Full Board but shall be contingent upon approval of the general membership by majority vote.
Section 3. The membership year shall be September 1 through August 31.
a. Members may receive a reduced rate for guild sponsored activities.
b. Members have voting privileges.
c. Members shall receive a copy of the by-laws in the newsletter. The bylaws will also be available on the website.
Section 1. Elected officers of the organization shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They will be elected for a two year term. They may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms in any one office.
Section 2. Elected officers of The Gathering of Quilters Guild shall be trustees. Trustees shall act as trustees only on those matters submitted to them as trustees by the members. The trustees shall have no other authority to act on behalf of the corporation.
Section 3. The term of office shall begin at the close of the election held during the organization’s general membership meeting in May.
Section 4. The President and Secretary will be elected in the even numbered years. The Vice President and Treasurer will be elected in the odd numbered years.
President Duties
a) preside at all meetings of the Executive Board, Full Board, general meetings of the organization, and any special meeting
b) appoint the chairperson(s) for the various committees
c) co-sign with an officer or committee chair checks in excess of two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars d) sign all checks made payable to the Treasurer
e) co-sign with an officer or committee chair all contracts approved by the Executive Board f) maintain copies of all contracts
g) serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except that of the nominating committee
h) call special meetings when necessary.
Vice President Duties
a) when necessary due to absence or other reason perform the duties of the president
b) handle the set-up of the meeting area c) collect announcement requests at the meeting.
Secretary Duties
a) record the minutes of all board and general membership meetings
b) maintain a record of current members
c) submit minutes of the general meetings to the newsletter editor for publication prior to approval by the membership, and to the webmaster after approval by the membership e) electronically submit minutes of the board meetings to board members for approval.
Treasurer Duties
a) keep a full and accurate account of all receipts and expenditures
b) make a verbal financial report at each board meeting and a written report for publication in the newsletter following the board meeting
c) make disbursements for non-budgeted funding requests up to two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars as approved by a quorum of the Executive Board
d) make the organization’s financial records available each year for inspection by the Audit Committee, between the general meeting in May and the board meeting in June and be available to consult with or answer any questions the Audit Committee may have e) compile a projected budget from figures submitted by committee chairs for approval by the board in August and the general membership in September each year.
ARTICLE V Executive Board
Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the organization’s President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2. The Executive Board may handle the regular business of the organization and shall submit recommendations to the membership for consideration.
Section 3. Executive Board meetings will be held when necessary and shall be called by the President.
Section 4. A quorum for conducting the business of the Executive Board shall not be fewer than three (3) members.
Section 1. The Full Board shall consist of the Executive Board and all Committee Chairpersons.
Section 2. The Full Board shall meet periodically at meetings called by the President of the organization. The Full Board shall meet no fewer than three (3) times each year.
ARTICLE VII Removal from Office
Section 1. Any organization officer, both elected or appointed, who does not faithfully fulfill the responsibilities of the office or otherwise comply with the requirements of the organization may be removed from the office by a majority vote of the Full Board and shall be given written notice of such removal.
Article VIII Committees
Section 1. The Executive Board may create standing committees as deemed necessary to carry on the work of the organization.
Section 2. Committee Chairpersons shall be appointed by the President of the organization.
Section 3. A Committee Chairperson shall keep a record of the committee’s duties and expenses to be passed on to succeeding chairpersons.
Section 4. Submit proposed budget to Treasurer by August 1st.
Section 5. An Audit Committee is mandatory and will consist of a minimum of two (2) persons.
ARTICLE IX General Meetings
Section 1. There shall be eight (8) general meetings scheduled during the year: September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and May. Provisions shall be made for inclement weather as needed. Advance notice of the meetings shall be made to the membership by newsletter, website, and printed materials.
Section 2. A quorum for conducting business at a regular or special meeting of the membership shall be no less than one-third of the membership. In order for a resolution to pass, it must carry by a simple majority of members present.
ARTICLE X Elections
Section 1. Elections shall be conducted during the May general meeting.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee, having met prior to the May meeting, shall present a slate of candidates for elected offices. Nominations from the floor will also be accepted.
Section 3. Notice of the annual meeting (for the election of officers) shall be given to members not fewer than ten (10) days before the date of the annual meeting. It will also be included in the newsletter that is distributed prior to the May meeting.
Section 4. The election shall be conducted by the nominating committee. Voting shall be by ballot of the membership present. If there is only one nominee for the office, voting may be by voice vote.
Section 5. Transition of administration. At the June Board meeting, the outgoing and newly installed Board will meet for orientation and the purpose of turning over files, any existing monies, and discussing continuing business.
ARTICLE XI Office Vacancies and Special Elections
Section 1. Vacancies in an office will be filled by special election following the next meeting of the Executive Board. Candidates will be presented by the nominating committee. Nominations may also be made from the floor and voting shall be by ballot of the membership. If there is only one nominee for the office, voting may be by voice vote.
Section 1. Each year monetary donations may be made to the beneficiary (ies) recommended by the Full Board and chosen by majority vote of general membership present. Donations are aimed at furthering the art of quilting and/or the enrichment of the community in the geographical area encompassed by the members.
Section 1. These by-laws may be amended or revised by a two-third vote of those members present. Copies of the proposed amendments/revisions shall be given to members in writing no less than two (2) weeks prior to the meeting in which the vote will be taken.
Section 2. Amendments or revisions will become effective upon approval.
ARTICLE XIV Dissolution
Section 1. In the event of dissolution of The Gathering of Quilters Guild, the remaining assets after the satisfaction of all obligations shall be distributed at the discretion of the Executive Board, but such distribution shall be limited to the furtherance of education relating to and/or the preservation of the art of quilting.